
Thursday 31 May 2012

Author Update: Pamela DuMond

I love it when writers I've interviewed have new developments to share. Today we welcome back the fabulous Pamela DuMond who has a new release.

Welcome back, Pamela! 

Hey thanks for having me here, Dorothy. I love your blog!

Thank you! Tell us all about your new book. What’s it called and what's the story about?

The Messenger's Handbook is a Young Adult romantic thriller, first novel in a series.  The story is about Madeline, a 16 year old girl, who discovers her soul mate lives three centuries before she was even born.

When Madeline's pushed off the train tracks, she wakes in 1675, the sole survivor of a Native massacre on a colonial settlement in a brutal war. Rescued and taken back to a garrison, she discovers she is a Messenger, a traveler who can slip through time's fabric at will, bringing messages that could change one life or many. Rumors of witchcraft and spying arise. But falling into a forbidden love with her soul mate Samuel, a mixed blood boy, could get them both killed.

The only way Madeline can save both their lives is to train with Samuel and the Medicine Woman, confront her deepest fears and fulfill her destiny as a Messenger. But jealous Hunters, dark-souled predators as well as skilled time travelers crave her powers and try to seduce her to join them. Can Madeline find the way back to her future? And will that future include her one true love, Samuel.

How did the idea of the story come to you?

I've been in love with Last of the Mohicans - the movie - ever since a buffed out hot Daniel Day Lewis told Madeline Stowe's character that he would 'find her.' (Sigh.) I thought it  would be fun to do a twist on this story for the Young Adult genre. An epic romance mashed with a thriller.

There are a lot of YA heroines now but two seem to be on opposite ends of the spectrum. Bella from Twilight and Katniss in The Hunger Games. 

I knew my heroine could not be as passive as Bella or as skilled as KatnissIt was incredibly important to me that Madeline arc over the course of this story. She could be scared and incredibly flawed but she would still have to build her courage and confront her fears in order to fall in love, let alone survive.

 Are you a planner or a pantser?

Definitely a pantser. I read a post the other day by an agent who insisted the story had to be thoroughly outlined, because otherwise how could a writer know where the story was going? I disagree, and paraphrase author Ian Rankin, 'If I knew what was going to happen, why would I write the book.'

If you could give aspiring writers one tip, what would it be?

Let me throw in two tips: 1. Perseverance. 2. "No" is not an answer. Turn all those "Nos" into your own personal "Yes." 

Great advice! What's the weirdest thing you've googled?

Besides the obligatory cyber-stalking a few ex-boyfriends? Hmm. Fake facelifts involving paperclips and rubber bands. Research for my first novel. I swear!

Time for the writing test! Use the following words in a sentence: rave, misfortune, and report card.

When Stella suffered the misfortune of spotting her history teacher making out with a woman who wasn't his wife at the rave, she realized she wouldn't be scoring an easy A on her next report card.

And finally, where can people find your new book online?

The Messenger's Handbook is currently available as an e-book on sale on Kindle and available in their KDP Lending Library. The paperback version will be released late June 2012.  It will be available on Nook later this summer.

Awesome! Thanks so much for chatting with us today, Pamela. And best of luck with your new book!

Thank you, Dorothy!

Tuesday 29 May 2012

Interview with Lisa Nowak

Today we're talking with author Lisa Nowak about her novel DRIVEN.

Welcome, Lisa! Tell us a bit about yourself.

I’m a retired amateur stock car racer, an accomplished cat whisperer, and a professional smartass. I write coming-of-age books about kids in hard luck situations who learn to appreciate their own value after finding mentors who love them for who they are.

How long have you been writing?

I wrote a little poetry when I was in grade school, and I started writing fiction at the age of thirteen.

Tell us about DRIVEN. What’s the story about?

Driven is the story of 16-year-old Jess DeLand, a tough, tenacious girl who loves cars. Her mom’s an alcoholic and her dad’s long gone, so she’s had to fend for herself since the age of eight. She tries to keep her home life a secret so she won’t wind up in foster care, but when she’s offered her dream job working on a race car, and the speedway community takes her in, that becomes increasingly difficult. Especially since teen racer Cody Everett is determined to win her heart.

Without giving too much away, what's your favorite aspect of the book?

That Jess is a fighter, and that she’s so non-traditional. In addition to loving cars, she’s a weather geek and excels in math and science. She’s not ashamed to be her own person and she doesn’t feel sorry for herself, even though life has dealt her a lousy hand.

Are you a planner or a pantser?

Definitely a planner, in all aspects of life. Ask me about anything I do, and I probably have an Excel spreadsheet to assist me with it. :)

What’s the hardest part of writing for you?

Finding the words. The older I get, the harder it is to access that dictionary in my head. Even when I have a scene planned out, I can stare at the page for hours wondering just how to express what I want to say.

What do you absolutely have to have nearby when writing?

Wee Cat, my feline muse. He’s the most gorgeous, good-natured, brown tabby in the world. He likes to lay on my lap or across my legs when I’m writing.  But he has cancer, so he won’t be with me long. :(

If you could have any super power, what would it be?

Instant bliss. I’d point my finger at someone, and they’d be overcome with a sense of well-being. Not a high that would debilitate them, just a feeling that all was right with the world.

What's the weirdest thing you've googled?

I’m supposed to remember that? Wow. Hard to say. Today I googled how to kill wood hyacinths. Didn’t come up with a single hit, either. If anyone knows, please get in touch. The damn things are taking over my garden.

Quick writing test! Use the following words in a sentence: garden gnome, astrology, and demeaning

Many garden gnomes rely on astrology to plan the course of their day, but Garamond found such nonsense demeaning.

Here’s the part where you thank the people who are supporting you. Let's hear your shout outs.

Wow. This could take some time. I’ve had, like, fifty-bajillion beta readers while writing my series. First I’d have to thank the members of my critique groups, Chrysalis and Wow, particularly Alice Lynn and Laura Marshall. Then I’d have give kudos to the other writing/promotional groups I belong to, the Indelibles and Pacific NW YA Authors. Then I’d have to tip my hat to the Myers and Jermann families, racers who’ve taken me in and made me feel like one of their own. And I can’t forget members of the Classic Car Club, Oregon Region, who have read my books and offered constant support. There are others as well, my neighbors, landscaping customers, etc. who’ve cheered me on the whole way, but it would take an entire page to list them all. Last but not least, I have to express my gratitude to my husband Bob, who never wavers in his belief in me and treats my characters like real people.

And finally, where can people find you and your books online?

Thanks so much for chatting with us today, Lisa. Good luck with DRIVEN and all your writing endeavors!

Saturday 26 May 2012

Three Two One Pitch Contest

Attention writers! Have you been working hard on the next great novel? Is your manuscript ready to pitch to an agent? Well, you're in luck, because I'm holding a pitch contest right here on the blog June 7th! What exactly does this contest entail? Well, it's a Three-Two-One pitch contest.

THREE - Pitch your story in only three sentences. 

TWO - Two days to enter: June 7th and 8th.

ONE - One agent will judge and pick a winner.

Doesn't that sound great? Well then get those pitches ready!

Do not enter your pitch on this post. I will make an official contest entry post on June 7th, and entrants will post their three-sentence pitches (no run on sentences - this agent is a stickler for grammar!) in the comments section of that post. At midnight on June 8th, I will turn off comments and no other entries will be accepted. The winner will get a full manuscript request!

I will announce our spectacular judging agent sometime prior to the contest, so keep an eye out!

This contest is open to unagented, completed and polished manuscripts in the genres of:

  • MG
  • YA
  • Contemporary, Paranormal, or Historical Romance
  • Upmarket Women's Fiction
  • Sci-Fi and Fantasy
  • Thrillers and Darker Contemporary Fiction

To be eligible, you must:

  • Follow this blog - go ahead and click "Join this Site" on the right if you haven't already
  • Follow me on Twitter
  • Spread the word! Tweet, Blog, or mention on Facebook about the contest linking back to this post

Not necessary, but in the spirit of paying it forward:

So, don't forget: Three sentences, two days to enter, one agent will judge. Good luck, everyone. Can't wait to read all your pitches. See you back here on the 7th of June!

Wednesday 23 May 2012

Interview with Terry Baldwin

Today we're chatting with author Terry Baldwin about his new book, TESS, TERRORISTS, AND THE TIARA.

Welcome to We Do Write, Terry.Tell us a bit about yourself.

I have to admit that I'm sort of a congenitally shy person so, even though I'm a writer, I have a hard time writing about myself. I'm 30 years old, married to Megan who is much more kind and beautiful than I deserve in a wife. I also have a cat named Rasputin. When I'm not writing, I'm either reading or spending time outside. (Sometimes writing or reading outside, too.)

How long have you been writing?

I started writing my first book when I was 10. It was a sci-fi novel about the end of the world. I never finished it which was a great blessing for the world since it was pretty awful. Several years later I took a college creative writing class. The teacher encouraged us to submit or work (poetry and short stories) for publication. After I won an award, I decided I wanted to be an author.

Tell us about TESS, TERRORISTS, AND THE TIARA. What's the story about?

Well, the story is really about being accepting of people who are different and may have different ideas than we do. For those of us who come from the U.S., that's what the founders of our country had in mind. 

Tess is 13 and has a sister three years older who seems prettier and smarter in every way. Tess' grandmother is a former patriotic beauty queen who wants to leave her priceless tiara to one of the two sisters. During a visit during summer holiday, Tess' grandfather sets up a competition between Tess and her sister to see who deserves the crown.

But Tess gets a glimpse of a mysterious, faceless stranger in the house next door, she becomes convinced terrorists are out to either steal the tiara or "take out" her grandmother in a symbolic act. When she sets out to investigate, she discovers some surprising things about terrorism.

How did the idea of the story come to you?

I come from a mixed cultural family, so I grew up hearing the odd prejudices some of the different sections of my family had about each other. This sort of brought me to the conclusion that most prejudice is based on ignorance. I wanted to write a book about that. Tess herself and the rest of the story just sort of "came to me," as you said. I honestly don't know how.

What's your favorite aspect of the book?

I don't think I can answer this question without it being a spoiler. I guess the best I can say is that it's pretty easy and fast read. How's that for squirming out of an answer?

Pretty sneaky. Are you a planner or a pantser?

Definitely a planner. When I write I usually have the whole story pretty will figured out first. My wife is a panster, so it makes for some interesting situations.

What’s the hardest part of writing for you?

Easy to answer this question. It's putting my characters in tough situations. It's like I'm torturing my friends.

What do you absolutely have to have nearby when writing?

Music. I can't write without it.

If you could have any super power, what would it be?

Invisibility. I guess that proves I'm a shy person.

What's the weirdest thing you've googled?

There are a lot. I think when I googled "where does the word 'onion' come from" I really hit the outer reaches of the google galaxy.

Quick writing test! Use the following words in a sentence: cape, waterfall, and library.

When, in my search for the famous Victoria Waterfall in Africa, I wound up at the Cape of Good Hope, I realized I should have gotten my map from a library and not a novelty shop.

Here’s the part where you thank the people who are supporting you. Let's hear your shout outs.

Thanks! First shout out to you,  Dorothy for allowing me this interview. 

You're welcome! 

Then to Megan McDade of Northern Ireland for connecting me with Dorothy. Next to Alex and Jeff, my publishers, for believing in TESS when no one else did. Then to my wife and my cat for giving me enough time to write.

And finally, where can people find you and your book online?

On amazon at
Also at
The paper edition is due out in August.

Thanks so much, Terry, for chatting with us today. I wish you lots of writerly success!

Monday 21 May 2012

New Release: SUFFOCATE by S.R. Johannes

It is May 21st and guess what that means?

S.R. Johannes’ Suffocate is out today!

Suffocate is the first novelette in THE BREATHLESS series. It is a 15,000 word young adult thriller that combines the dystopic and science fiction genres.

Here’s a little about the novelette…

“For centuries, the world outside the Biome has been unlivable. Today, marks the first time anyone will attempt to leave the suffocating ecosphere. Eria is not worried because her scientist father has successfully tested the new Bio-Suit many times. It's a celebratory day until something goes horribly wrong. In the midst of tragedy, Eria uncovers a deep conspiracy that affects the very air she breathes. 

If those responsible find out what she knows, they won't stop hunting her until she takes her last breath.”

The 2nd novella in the series, CHOKE, is scheduled for Fall 2012. The 3rd, EXHALE, is scheduled for Winter 2013.

You can purchase Suffocate for only 99 cents at
Amazon –
B&N –

Also you can add it on Goodreads! -

And in case you were wondering here is a bit about the author –

S.R. Johannes is author of the Amazon Bestseller Untraceable and a current nominee of the Georgia Author of the Year in the Young Adult category. After earning an MBA and working in corporate america, S.R. Johannes traded in her expensive suits, high heels, and corporate lingo for a family, flip-flops, and her love of writing. She lives in Atlanta Georgia with her goldendoodle Charley (notice he is listed first :), her British-accented husband, and the huge imaginations of their little prince and princess, which she hopes- someday- will change the world.  You can find her hanging out online and visit her at


Tweet about it!
“Today is the release of @srjohannes’  novelette, Suffocate! Check it out on”

Thursday 17 May 2012

Author Update: Jolene Perry's KNEE DEEP

Now Available: KNEE DEEP by Jolene Perry (Tribute Books)

Shawn is the guy Ronnie Bird promised her life to at the age of fourteen. He's her soul mate. He's more uptight every day, but it's not his fault. His family life is stressful, and she's adding to it. She just needs to be more understanding, and he'll start to be the boy she fell in love with. She won’t give up on someone she’s loved for so long.

Luke is her best friend, and the guy she hangs with to watch girlie movies in her large blanketopias. He's the guy she can confide in before she even goes to her girlfriends, and the guy who she's playing opposite in Romeo and Juliet. Now her chest flutters every time he gets too close. This is new. Is Ronnie falling for him? Or is Juliet? The lines are getting blurry, but leaving one guy for another is not something that a girl like Ronnie does.

Shawn’s outbursts are starting to give her bruises, and Luke’s heart breaks as Ronnie remains torn. While her thoughts and feelings swirl around the lines between friendship and forever, she’s about to lose them both.

Be sure to check out Jolene's new release, available at the following links:

Kindle buy link - $2.99

Nook buy link - $4.95
iBookstore buy link - $4.99
Coming soon
Google buy link - $3.79

Smashwords buy link - $4.99

PDF buy link - $4.95

Sunday 13 May 2012

Author Update: Derek Haines

Today we're catching up with author Derek Haines, whom I interviewed back in August 2010. Derek's been busy writing, and he's here to talk about his new book.

Welcome back, Derek. Congratulations on your new book. Tell us all about ONE LAST LOVE.

Life has the habit of delivering its perverse twists at the most unexpected times.

For Bonnie his life had been lived, and the bitter sweet memories of his wife, along with the never ending sorrow of losing his son so young remain with him, but were now ebbing slowly with the passing of the years. His days of love, warmth and tenderness well past and all that was left were his last few quiet years to grow old. Alone, yet content.

What he had done, he had done and what had happened, had. All that remained was to live out the rest of his life in a new place, far away from his checkered past. His days passing with the regularity that an old man desires and deserves. Until the dark day arrives that signals an impending end to his new found life, and with it, all sense of hope. 

In facing mortality, Bonnie resorts to using his crusty exterior and bravado to hide the frailty and fear he feels within himself, until he is presented with stark realities beyond his understanding and is forced to come face to face with his own prejudices and beliefs. In meeting Danny and Angeline, Bonnie begins to reshape his thoughts about his acceptance of those he had habitually admonished, and of the bigoted life he has lived. While Charlie and his daughter Beatrice realign his set concepts of how he has habitually rushed to judge people too quickly. 

However, it is only when Bonnie meets Madeleine that the most unexpected eventuality turns his hard held beliefs, and his very set views about life, people and love, on their head.

How did the idea of the story come to you?

One Last Love came from a couple of obtuse ideas but somehow gelled together. The first coming from noticing how elderly people expressed theirs feelings for each other. Much more tender and based on discreet yet unmistakeable expressions of love and devotion. Far removed from the hot and passionate notions usually found in mainstream romance novels. The other idea came from a personal viewpoint. Having lost my father, and a few very close friends who had spent their last days in a hospice, and the fact that there was a a long standing family rumor about an attachment my father had for many years, the two ideas played on my mind. In the end the main character, Bonnie, became a mélange of my father and my friends.

Are you a planner or a pantser?

Both probably. I usually write my first draft of a story based on a bunch of connected and sometimes disconnected notes and a basic one or two sentence story line. I like to write away then, and in the process get to know my characters intimately. When the first draft is finished, I feel a connection with them, and can then start on my second draft knowing them very well. During the second draft, I decide which characters need more or less expansion and where the story needs trimming or more likely, where it needs more detail. In the case of One Last Love, one seemingly incidental character in my first draft had so much more to say, so she received a lot more attention in my second draft. Then my third draft of a story is usually a tidy up exercise.

What's the weirdest thing you've googled?

This I have to say, happened today. I was wondering if there was a town or village anywhere in the world that was called something similar to No Mans Land as I needed it for the current book I'm writing. As luck would have it, there is. So thanks to Google and Google Maps, I have a great little place in England to set a part of my story.

Time for my infamous writing test ! Use the following words in a sentence: obligatory, kimono, and sand paper.

I had never been to Japan before and was eerily expectant having read Shogun by James Clavell far too many times. Of course I did all the Sushi and Karaoke bars in an attempt to discover what daily Japanese life entailed. However, it was only when a friend suggested I accompany him to a Geisha House did I start on my real Japanese adventure tour. When we arrived, I was of course nervous as what to expect. But once I had removed my shoes, which is of course obligatory before entering, and I had been so warmly welcomed, I started to relax. Just a little. Dressed in a beautiful, and one could almost say ornate kimono, Kayoko guided us through a series of delicate paper sliding doors to our tea room. So polite, so refined and so steeped in tradition, I felt I hadn't dressed at all formally enough for such an occasion. I'd only managed to run a blunt razor across my face that morning. I felt I had made such little effort, and had the thought that I should have used sandpaper on my five o'clock shadow and presented myself in a state fitting for such an overwhelmingly formal occasion. Kayoko didn't seem to mind though and entertained us delightfully for a full two hours. Afterwards I reflected on how accurate James Clavell had been in his observations of Japan.

Okay, that was more than a sentence, but still very clever. And finally, where can people find ONE LAST LOVE online?

One Last Love is only available through Amazon in both ebook and paperback.

Thanks so much for chatting with us, Derek. It was great having you with us. Best of luck with your new book!

Friday 4 May 2012

Interview with Shannon Duffy

Today we welcome amazing author Shannon Duffy. I'm excited to have Shannon on the blog.

Welcome, Shannon! Hi, there!

Tell our readers a little about yourself.

About me—well, I write MG and YA, I live in Ontario, Canada with my hubs, one son, two dogs, two horses, and a canary. (And a partridge in a pear tree) So, other than writing and reading, I love animals, traveling, boating, and shopping…shoes being high up on the list.

How long have you been writing?

I’ve been writing I guess about 3 or 4 years. It’s hard to pin point an exact time. I know I started writing longer ago than that, but stopped because I’d been working full time as a nurse. Now that I don’t do that anymore, I focus on the writing which I love.

The cover for SPECTRAL is gorgeous. Tell us what the story is about.

Thanks for the cover love! I have to say I love it, too. It was done by Claudia McKinney at I actually can’t say enough good things about her. In one word, she’s awesome.

SPECTRAL is about a teen girl (Jewel) that believes she is living in the Witness Protection Program because of her dad. With the constant moving around the globe, not being able to make close friends, and with the strict rules her family sets on her, (like having to hide her supposed tell-tale birthmark at all times,) it’s very tough on Jewel. At her new town she meets two hot boys, one of which has magical powers and claims to be her guardian, and warns her that she’s in real danger. Even though there are sparks between them, he tells her a relationship is forbidden, and the more she learns about him, the more she questions who to believe: her family, or him. She soon discovers there’s a lot more going on then she could have ever imagined. With a magical Witchcraft book showing up, unexplained powers appearing, kidnappings, and romance, Jewel wonders if she can wade through the complications, and discover who she can trust…hoping she’ll make it through her 17th birthday alive.

Sounds amazing! I can't wait to get my hands on it! How did the idea of the story come to you? 

The idea of the story came to me when I couldn’t sleep one night. I knew I wanted to write a story with witches, but that was it. Sometimes when you’re in that half-awake, half-asleep state, the mind is the most creative I think. After that night, I kept thinking about it, expanding on it, talking about it etc…and SPECTRAL was born! I really hope people like it.

Are you a pantser or planner?

How about a Plantser? Haha. Well, I used to be a total pantser and wrote my first book, my middle grade like that. That was a lot of fun, but I do think it can take longer to write a story that way. Now I like to write a synopsis before I start and to also take notes along the way on a word doc as more ideas and thoughts pop into my head. But, I don’t like to be completely locked into anything. As I write, I get to know my characters more and see things going different ways, so I give myself the freedom to change things up. So basically, I like to have a good, solid plan or a guideline and then just fly.

What's the hardest part of writing for you?

The hardest part of writing for me is finding enough time. With family stuff always going on, and right now, tons of workers doing stuff around the house, it gets distracting. I love weekends where it’s completely quiet, and I don’t have any plans. Then, instead of working in my office, I go off to my bedroom with my laptop. Those are PJ’s and sushi weekends. Gotta love it! I get lots of writing in then.

What do you absolutely have to have nearby when writing?

I have to have a glass of water for sure….and I love a tall glass of diet coke with tons of ice. In the morning it has to be a big cup of raspberry chocolate coffee. And hey, when my little Yorkshire terrier, Bambi sits on my lap, I’m golden. 

Oh my God, that coffee sounds like heaven! *coffee envy* (And cool, I used to have a Yorkie too!)

If you could have any super power, what would it be? 

Super power, super power. Hmmm thinking. Well, I’ve always wanted to fly because it would be very cool, but let’s face it, if I could touch people and cure cancer, I’d be all over that. Nothing could rock harder than that. 

Very true, good call. What's the weirdest thing you've googled? 

One of the weirdest thing I’ve googled is the meaning of Spectral. Never thought I’d be looking that one up!

Quick writing test! Use the words daisies, catastrophe, and telepathy in a sentence.

Okay, fun! How about:

Using my trusty mental telepathy, I disarmed the bomb-wielding daisies bandit, narrowly avoiding a florist catastrophe.

Very creative! Here's the part where you thank the people supporting you. Let's hear your shout-outs.

I have to first of all shout out my critique partners, Rachel Harris, Trisha Wolfe, and Brenda Drake. They are made of awesome, really. They are not only great CP’s, but also amazing friends. Then, of course my fabulous agent, Lauren Hammond who always believes in me and makes me smile. Tribute Books for acquiring Spectral. And always a huge shout-out goes to my family—my husband, my son, my parents, and my sister. They’re always super supportive in every way imaginable. And lastly, but certainly not least—I have to shout out a huge thank you to the readers!! Seriously, thank you! I love readers and their enthusiasm for books.

Where can we find SPECTRAL?

You can buy SPECTRAL here:
Kindle buy link - $2.99
Nook buy link - $4.95

iBookstore buy link - $4.99
Coming Soon

Google buy link - $3.79

Smashwords buy link - $4.99

PDF buy link - $4.95

Shannon, thank you so much for chatting with us. It's been fun! I wish you lots of success with SPECTRAL and all your books to come! ;)

Tuesday 1 May 2012

Interview Two with Sara Sheridan

Today we welcome back author Sara Sheridan, whom I interviewed last year. Sara has a new book out, and she's here today to talk about it.

Welcome back, Sara! Tell us about your new book BRIGHTON BELLE.
It's lovely to see you again. Brighton Belle is the story of an ex-Secret Service agent, Mirabelle Bevan. At the end of the war Mirabelle feels her useful life is over – her skills are no longer required. Her boyfriend is dead and she moves down to Brighton to retire. Then she gets a job working for a debt collection agency run by the charismatic Big Ben McGuigan and before she knows it she finds her skills are useful because a mysterious case comes in…. It's been interesting to write a crime novel, for a change. I had to learn some new skills.

How did the idea of the story come to you, and how much research went into writing the book?
The book had its genesis in a boozy lunch with my parents. My father was brought up in Brighton and London during the 1950s and he has some great stories. It prompted me to look at setting a story there – I had a couple of months on my hands initially and once I’d started writing I didn’t stop. The research was very different from the kind of historical research I’ve done before but there is fabulous material available from the era – film footage, photos, eyewitness accounts etc. I delved right in! Austerity Britain is a fascinating era for me as a writer, in contrast to the eras I've covered before. It was the end of the Empire, you see, and the earlier novels I've written are largely about the Empire taking off. 

Without giving too much away, what's your favorite part of the book?

I like the interplay between Mirabelle and the secretary down the hall, Vesta. Mirabelle has been through the war and she's lost everything. She's lonely and grieving and Vesta is jolly - she's the antidote but she has no idea about life. 

Are you a planner or a pantser?
I'm a bit of both. The main thing, when I start, is to know what the book feels like. That sounds odd, but with Brighton Belle I wanted it to be  a whizz of a read, reminiscent of the cosy crime heyday of Agatha Christie but slightly more noir for the modern reader. So I knew that. I also knew the character of Mirabelle somehow. But plot twists, well, I think if I planned those too much, I'd be writing anticipating it and I'd rather the reveals were blind. It's more difficult to write that way, but it means you experience the book like a reader and I love that.

What's the weirdest thing you've googled?

How quickly a body decomposes in different soil types. Actually, that wasn't for this book, it was for Ma Polinski's Pockets. I ended up having to ring the local cemetery authority. Once they had established I wasn't a weirdo with a plan, they were fine about it.

That's hysterical. I'm sure all writers could be potentially locked up due to our search words. Let's tell everyone where they can find BRIGHTON BELLE online?

Ooh yes please!
At the moment it's only available online because the hardback was a library issue and it isn't going into bookshops. So, on amazon:
And the paperback will be in the shops, online and off, in July (just in time for the summer.)

Thanks so much for stopping by and chatting with us again, Sara. It's always great talking with you. Best of luck with your new book!