
Thursday, 31 January 2013

Interview with Heather Walsh

Today we're chatting with author Heather Walsh about her novel, DENTED CANS.

Welcome to We Do Write, Heather. Tell us a bit about yourself.

Things I’ve done (in somewhat chronological order): played rugby, written novels, eaten lots of delicious food, gone scuba diving with my husband, lived on both coasts of the U.S., had two children.

I have a more official bio on my website,

How long have you been writing?

I remember when I was very young, let’s say 6 or 7, I would “narrate” my actions in my head. Something like: “She walks down the steps and heads outside. She leaps over the rock.” Not terribly exciting, but I sure thought I was dictating the Great American Novel to someone. Since then, I’ve always dabbled with writing, especially in high school and college. But I never really had the discipline or motivation to focus on it enough to justifiably call myself a writer. That changed in 2001, when I promised myself I would write every single day, even if it was just a sentence or two. And I’ve never broken that promise so far. I even wrote during the two (unmedicated) labors of my children—but don’t ask me what!

Tell us about DENTED CANS. What’s the story about?

Dented Cans is the story of sixteen-year-old Hannah Sampson, who is focused on escaping her working-class Connecticut suburb, but who also finds herself being tugged back home as she worries about her brother Ben.

Hannah’s parents inflict one last family vacation on the Sampson children, a trip that goes comically wrong almost from the get-go. Hannah is forced to confront her family’s past in Disney World, of all places, when an emotional argument prompts her parents to disclose a secret they have been keeping from the children for sixteen years. Ultimately, she must decide whether to leave her hometown and not look back, or to focus on helping her family.

How did the idea of the story come to you?

I usually don’t have a grand plan on what I am going to write. I sometimes start with a thought or character and see where it takes me. In this case, I came up with the idea of a teenage girl and a family trip to Disney, and eventually it led to Dented Cans.

Do you have a critique group/partner or beta readers, or do you self-edit?

I do a lot of self-editing. A lot. My husband is my star editor. He’s very detail-oriented, so he finds more issues than I’d like to admit!

Are you a plotter or a pantser?

Somewhere in the middle. I tend to start with a loose outline, but often find that my characters will go off on their own to places I hadn’t envisioned, and I’m just following them, trying to record it all.

What’s the hardest part of writing for you?

The most difficult part is when I have to cut something I love because I know it doesn’t work. Like Faulkner said, said you have to “kill your darlings.” You create these characters or scenes or even just one prefect little sentence, and you get have to lose them because they don’t serve the story. It’s tough. I’m usually a wimp and will move it to the bottom of the manuscript, under the heading Can I Use?, knowing full well that I cannot and will not. I tend to be a better assassin after I haven’t seen the text for a while and feel more removed from it.

What do you absolutely have to have nearby when writing?

Nothing is required. I am a pretty flexible writer. I don’t have to be chained to a desk. I love to write while I take walks (it’s a talent) or when I am a train or bus, preferably seated at a window. If I am writing on the go, I love to have a Sarasa Zebra pen. I own about 50 of those guys.

If you could have any super power, what would it be?


What's the weirdest thing you've googled?

Once I had kids I think my google searches grew even nuttier. Recently I googled “how many gummy vitamins equals overdose.”

Quick writing test! Use the following words in a sentence: stereotype, misguided, and peacock.

It would be misguided to stereotype any fowl, except for the vain peacock.

Finish this sentence: If I'm not writing, I'm probably ...

Eating something. I snack all day.

Here’s the part where you thank the people who are supporting you. Let's hear your shout outs.

My husband gets the biggest shout out for getting me serious about writing again—my spark. My children for teaching me to slow down, which is never a bad thing for a writer. My mom has always been a huge supporter in all I do. My brothers for their humor. And too many friends, family, and teachers to name.

And finally, where can people find you and your book online?

Right now it’s available just about everywhere you can purchase a digital book: Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Smashwords, Kobo, etc. The paperback is available on Amazon. But I’m planning on trying the Amazon select program soon, which would mean the digital format will only be available through Amazon. I know this is controversial, because it cuts off a large part of my audience, but I’ve seen almost all of my sales come from Amazon up to this point. So I figured I would try it for the 90 days and see how it goes.

Well, I wish you the best of luck, Heather!

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Book Launch: The Madman's Daughter by Megan Shepherd

Yesterday marked the launch of THE MADMAN'S DAUGHTER by Megan Shepherd.

Sixteen-year-old Juliet Moreau has built a life for herself in London—working as a maid, attending church on Sundays, and trying not to think about the scandal that ruined her life. After all, no one ever proved the rumors about her father's gruesome experiments. But when she learns he is alive and continuing his work on a remote tropical island, she is determined to find out if the accusations are true.

Accompanied by her father's handsome young assistant, Montgomery, and an enigmatic castaway, Edward—both of whom she is deeply drawn to—Juliet travels to the island, only to discover the depths of her father's madness: He has experimented on animals so that they resemble, speak, and behave as humans. And worse, one of the creatures has turned violent and is killing the island's inhabitants. Torn between horror and scientific curiosity, Juliet knows she must end her father's dangerous experiments and escape her jungle prison before it's too late. Yet as the island falls into chaos, she discovers the extent of her father's genius—and madness—in her own blood.

Inspired by H. G. Wells's classic The Island of Dr. Moreau, The Madman's Daughter is a dark and breathless Gothic thriller about the secrets we'll do anything to know and the truths we'll go to any lengths to protect.

Congrats, Megan! I can't wait to read this!

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Happy Book Birthday: A Shimmer of Angels by Lisa M Basso

Today marks the release of Lisa M Basso's A SHIMMER OF ANGELS from Month9Books.



Psychiatry, fantasy and real life come together in A Shimmer of Angels, as a young girl struggles with identity, secrets, and confronting her greatest fears. A Shimmer of Angels is for anyone who has ever felt like an outsider, or perhaps has felt like giving up entirely. It touches on themes of suicide, ostracism and emotional pain. The author, personally exposed to suicide through the death of a beloved family member, will donate a percentage of sales of this novel to a suicide prevention and outreach program in San Francisco, California.

Month9Books, a publisher of speculative fiction for teens and tweens, announces the release of A SHIMMER OF ANGELS, a debut young adult title from Lisa M. Basso.

Sixteen-year-old Rayna sees angels, and has the medication and weekly therapy sessions to prove it. Now, in remission, Rayna starts fresh at a new school, lands a new job, and desperately tries for normalcy. She ignores signs that she may be slipping into the world she has tried so hard to climb out of. But these days, it’s more than just hallucinations that keep Rayna up at night. Students are dying, and she may be the only one who can stop it. Can she keep her job, her sanity, and her friends from dying at the hands of angels she can't admit to seeing?

Author of THE IRON WITCH, Karen Mahoney, says, “A SHIMMER OF ANGELS has a courageous heroine who finds herself in the middle of two gorgeous angels, a fascinating world, and a story that builds to an exciting climax - I'll be looking forward to more from Lisa M. Basso!"

 WIN PRIZES! (US and Canada only)
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Lisa M. Basso was born and raised in San Francisco, California. She is a lover of books, video games, animals, and baking (not baking with animals though). As a child she would crawl into worlds of her own creation and get lost for hours. Her love for YA fiction started with a simple school reading assignment: S.E. Hinton’s The Outsiders. When not reading or writing she can usually be found at home with The Best Boyfriend that Ever Lived ™ and her two darling (and sometimes evil) cats, Kitties A and B. Lisa M. Basso is available for quotes, signings, video or podcast appearances, and all opportunities relative to A SHIMMER OF ANGELS.

A SLITHER OF HOPE, Book 2 in the ANGEL SIGHT series will be available from Month9Books in February 2014!


Month 9 Books is a publisher of speculative fiction for teens and tweens… where nothing is as it seems. Month9Books will donate proceeds from each of its annual charity anthologies to a deserving charity. Individually, authors may donate his or her advances and royalties to a charitable organization. Month9Books will also release 10-12 non-charitable titles annually. A SHIMMER OF ANGELS is Month9Books’s first Young Adult release. Month9Books is distributed by Small Press United, a division of IPG. You may visit for more information.


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Monday, 28 January 2013

Interview with Kim Emerson PLUS Giveaway

Monday again? No need to panic. Let me ease you into the week with an interview with author KD Emerson.

Welcome, Kim! Tell us a bit about yourself.

First, let me thank all of the hosts of this blog tour and all the readers for their time. I am grateful to each of you! I am just your everyday human who takes a detour every now and then into the dark passageways of my imagination. I have enjoyed many marvelous experiences on earth. Love, loss, joy, pain – it’s all a part of the journey. Things that have changed me for the better have been losing everything I owned and having to start all over again and living with two packs of wolves who taught me the meaning of life. My deepest desire is to assist other’s in creating a joy-filled life.

How long have you been writing?

A looong time. I won’t say how many years, but I have been a writer from age five. I wrote what I ‘thought’ was a novel at the age of six.

Tell us about DIGITUS 233. What’s the story about?

It is about power and corruption, control and bondage and the story of how one young adult can make a difference. Here is a very short synopsis of the book: When Zeph, the adventurous son of a millionaire hid in the cargo hold of the Learjet carrying his brother Zander to camp he had no idea there was anything dark or ominous going on. That was until he watched Zander ejected from the plane onto a barren arctic island and Zeph, trapped in the cargo hold, found himself headed for South America. Will Zeph be able to uncover and expose the truth behind Digitus, the world’s dominant corporation or will they succeed in their sinister plan to control his brother and destroy the world?

How did the idea of the story come to you?

It came out of the darkness of the corner of my mind while I pondered the loss of freedom people see under oppressive governments such as the events in Nazi Germany before and during World War II. The reality that freedom (and life) can so easily slip through our fingers, the intrigue of fringe science and how it can be used for good or evil (depending on who is in control).

Do you have a critique group/partner or beta readers, or do you self-edit?

I majored in creative writing back in the day and I am used to constructive critique. I would never edit my own work; it’s too easy to miss a mistake. Even now, I have people pouring over Digitus 233 to find a typo.

Are you a plotter or a pantser?

Both. I outline, do scene sketches, and character sketches complete with back story for all characters, then during the writing process the muse will often take over and I let it flow to see where it goes.

What’s the hardest part of writing for you?

Getting over the old voices and programming in my head that say “if you publish you will die”. I have fought against the enemy, self-doubt, and I have become victorious. You can do it as well!

What do you absolutely have to have nearby when writing?

My bowler hat (long story), coffee and Beethoven.

If you could have any super power, what would it be?

To heal all ailments in the world.

What's the weirdest thing you've googled?

“Humans that fly” I was looking for people that jump out of perfectly good airplanes and do some pretty crazy things. I found a group of people that have these suits that have wings and they sail for a long time before landing. Looks awesome, but I don’t think I will try it in this lifetime.

Quick writing test! Use the following words in a sentence: randomly, dome, and memorize.

She darted about under the dome of doom escaping death from randomly fired poison arrows while trying to memorize the Gettysburg address.

Finish this sentence: If I'm not writing, I'm probably ...

Racing across the horizon on a wild Mustang

Here’s the part where you thank the people who are supporting you. Let's hear your shout outs.

My deepest thanks to Megan McDade and all the bloggers and readers who have supported me, also my many friends and family who have offered their assistance in spreading the word. Thanks to my creative partners, Tim and Brenda Emerson who played the “what if” game with me until they were ready to drop me out of an airplane. And of course, thanks to those of my past who tried to hold me back or stand in my way. Because of your fear and jealousy you made me stronger and more determined.

And finally, where can people find you and your book online?

I love to connect with people!
Find me on Facebook at:
On Twitter I am:
The website and personal blog for my Digitus Series is here:
And the Amazon link for US: and UK:

Saturday, 26 January 2013

Author Update: O.M. Grey

The following is a press release about author OM Grey's novel AVALON REVISITED.


RIVERDALE, NY – (January 17, 2013) – O.M. Grey’s best-selling Steampunk BDSM vampire novel, “Avalon Revisited” is now available from e-book publisher Riverdale Ave Books (RAB). The e-book is available for $5.99.

RAB president Lori Perkins said the book was brought to her by Grey’s agent, Louise Fury. “She came into the office breathless and told me she had found a masterpiece. I started to read it immediately and was hooked in the first chapter, so I read it straight through the night. I know our fans will love it as much as I did.”

“Avalon Revisited” follows the adventures of Arthur Tudor, who has made his existence as a vampire bearable for over 300 years by immersing himself in blood and debauchery. Aboard an airship gala, he meets Avalon, an aspiring vampire slayer who sparks fire into Arthur’s shriveled heart. Together they try to solve the mystery of several horrendous murders on the dark streets of London. Cultures clash and pressures rise in this very steamy tale.

Perkins points out that “As a bonus to new readers, RAB enticed Grey to include the first chapter of her next novel in the series, “Avalon Revamped,” in the e-book version.

An enthusiastic review of Avalon Revisited” from Bitten by Books was typical: “From its opening scene until the final page, this intriguing novel engages the reader’s interest...witty dialogue, historical authenticity and mystery result in a highly entertaining novel.” said of the Grey novel: “A delightful combination of historical fiction, romance and steampunk.” And Old Towne Books & Tea said: “Fans of Gail Carriger will LOVE ‘Avalon Revisited’...Pick it up-it’s a great read.!”

Oliva M. Grey writes dark fiction, paranormal romance and sexy Steampunk. Her short stories and poetry have been published in magazines and anthologies. She is a popular conference and convention speaker who blogs and podcasts relationship essays covering such topics as alternative lifestyles, deepening intimacy, ending a relationship with love and respect and other deliciously dark and decadent matters of the heart and soul. For more information on the author, visit her blog

Riverdale Avenue Books (RAB) publishes e-books, print and audio books under five imprints: Riverdale Pop issues a pop culture title each month; Riverdale/Magnus Books, a joint venture with award-winning publisher Magnus Books, issues LGBT titles; Riverdale HSF, a horror, science fiction and fantasy line; Riverdale Truth, an erotic memoir line; Riverdale Desire, publishes erotica and erotic romance. In 2013 the company will launch Riverdale Sports and Riverdale Gaming titles. RAB is headed by veteran literary agent and publisher Lori Perkins. It is a full service publisher, with a foreign rights department and a Los Angeles film agency. For more information visit

Friday, 25 January 2013

Interview with LM Preston

Today we're chatting with PURGATORY REIGN author LM Preston.

Welcome to We Do Write. Tell us a bit about yourself.

I’m a mother, a wife of 20yrs married to my best friend since I was fifteen. I’m also an engineer project lead by day and an obsessive insomniac of a writer by night. Also, I volunteer with, Mid Atlantic Book Publishers Association and Maryland Writers Association.

How long have you been writing?

I started writing around 12yrs old. I kept a diary of short stories, songs and poems.

Tell us about PURGATORY REIGN. What’s the story about?

It’s about Peter Saints, a kid that can’t seem to get a break. One that wants to be loved and love so badly but realizes that all of the people he’s cared about have died in rather violent ways. When he meets the one girl that captures his heart, she’s stolen from him and the only way he can save her is to unleash something that only his blood holds the key to, something deadly and dangerous.

How did the idea of the story come to you?

Well about three years ago, I found a short story my husband wrote for a creative writing class. The story depicted a secret that was hidden from the world and how these adult characters fought to hide this secret. It sparked a story in me and I went to him and asked him if I could write a story, into the future about the kids of the people in his short story. He said ‘I don’t care, go for it’ and I put together the outline for Purgatory Reign and he was floored. He became my sounding board for the core of the story and then I went off and wrote it. When I read it to him (we read my books while we drive on long family trips) he was shocked and happy with what I developed. I now have three books in the Purgatory Reign series that’s already outlined. However, there is room for my husband to build an awesome story on the ancestors who spurned the adventure that my main character, Peter Saints, gets caught up in.

Do you have a critique group/partner or beta readers, or do you self-edit?

I usually have to write the story out first. Then I use beta readers I find randomly and some who I use frequently to give me feedback. As far as editing goes, I use several editing tools online to find repetition and grammar issues prior to submitting the manuscript to my editor.

Are you a planner or a pantser?

I plan out everything only to increase my writing speed and to keep me on plot. (Lol!)

What’s the hardest part of writing for you?

Focusing on one story at a time. I tend to have many ideas for books and want to write them all at the same time, but if I did that I wouldn’t finish one. So I force myself to do one book at a time.

What do you absolutely have to have nearby when writing?

A heater or a blanket. I get so cold.

If you could have any super power, what would it be?

I need the power to duplicate myself :-D

What's the weirdest thing you've googled?

Blood red water.

Quick writing test! Use the following words in a sentence: gnarl, caricature, and clockwise.

The gnarled hand of the ghostly caricature floated clockwise above the head of the gray colored girl.

Finish this sentence: If I'm not writing, I'm probably ...


Here’s the part where you thank the people who are supporting you. Let's hear your shout outs.

Willow Cross you are the best beta reader ever!! K.L. Brady you were my inspiration to do the impossible. John Kremer thanks for your encouragement on the beginning of my writing journey. Jonathan Maberry thanks for your tips, Leslie Banks you are so missed.

And finally, where can people find you and your book online?

Purgatory Reign can be ordered on Amazon, B&N, BooksAmillion, IndieUnbound and more! (Links below)

Here’s my books!

LM Preston
LM. Preston was born and raised in Washington, DC. An avid reader, she loved to create poetry and short-stories as a young girl. With a thirst for knowledge she attended college at Bowie State University, and worked in the IT field as a Techie and Educator for over sixteen years. She started writing science fiction under the encouragement of her husband who was a Sci-Fi buff and her four kids. Her first published novel, Explorer X - Alpha was the beginning of her obsessive desire to write and create stories of young people who overcome unbelievable odds. She loves to write while on the porch watching her kids play or when she is traveling, which is another passion that encouraged her writing.
Author Links

Title: Purgatory Reign
Series: Purgatory Reign, Book 1
Release: ebook (March 2013) Print (May 2013)
Publisher: Phenomenal One Press
Genre: Young Adult, Paranormal Romance, SciFi
ISBN: 978-0-9850251-3-7
EBook: 978-0-985-0251-4-4

Tagline: Something evil this way comes, unfortunately for it, Peter Saints is waiting.

Seventeen-year-old Peter Saints' life stinks. But things are about to get much worse. First, his parents are murdered in front of him. Then another victim dies in his arms.

Visions plague Peter with warnings that something wants him for a sinister cause. It desires the one thing that Peter refuses to give - his blood.

On the run with Angel, a scruffy kid, Peter starts to unravel the mystery. It's the one secret the heavens sought to hide from the world. Unfortunately, when Peter finds the answer he hopes that will save the girl he loves, he opens the door to a great evil that happens to be salivating to meet him.


A sickening thump made Peter jerk around. His face crinkled with
fury. The car threw the sparse girl’s body upwards into the air, and sped
off down the street. She bounced several times on the pavement. Peter ran
and knelt beside her. Blood dribbled from her lip. And he felt like gar-
bage, being the cause of her injury.
She smiled at him. “Petah. I…knew you would come.” Her dazed
eyes never left his face. “Take me home, Petah.”
He shook his head and searched around. Surprised the street was now
deserted. Tendrils of guilt filled his chest. Another one…my damn fault.
My fault.

Book Trailer (Please include in your post)

Book Sample
If you think Purgatory Reign is something you might like to review follow the link to read a sample.  If you enjoy please request a review copy.

Buy Links

Other works by LM Preston

Thursday, 24 January 2013

Interview with Tina Pollick

Hey, guys. Glad to see you here. Today we're chatting with author Tina Pollick. When Tina isn’t writing paranormal romance about Heavenly hunks, and smart, sassy women, this RN enjoys a quiet home life with her husband, children, two horses, two dogs, cat, chickens, guineas ... well sort of quiet. Tina's here to talk about her novel, GABRIEL.

Welcome to We Do Write, Tina. How long have you been writing? 

Since this past summer.

Tell us about GABRIEL. What’s the story about?

When demons break ancient bonds, a love-match between a valiant archangel and a selfless nurse bring humanity's last hope—but contagion from the demons threaten their newly developed bond.

Kematians escape the guard of the watchful archangels and flee into the world to feed on humanity. With powerful regeneration abilities, the demons turn the tide against the valiant archangels, taking a toll on their numbers. Will Calla Stevens, a nurse with miraculous healing abilities, be able to save Gabriel when he's on the cusp of death?

How did the idea of the story come to you?

I think it was a series of ‘what if’ questions. I didn’t have a dream about it or anything cool like that. It really was a labor of love.

Do you have a critique group/partner or beta readers, or do you self-edit?

I belong to a critique group. And I have to say having someone who’s also a writer really helps in many ways.

Are you a planner or a pantser?

I’m a halfster. I do a real rough outline. Okay it’s not really an outline. I draw squares on a paper and write a few things in each one. I like the freedom of being able to follow my characters when they take me to unexpected places, but I also want to know where the end destination is and an idea of how they’re going to get there.

What’s the hardest part of writing for you?

Staying on task. Working from home is challenging anyway, but when I write it’s really difficult to just sit down and write. I’m thinking about laundry, writing bids or invoices for my husbands business, what am I going to make for dinner. I’m really a better evening writer, but evenings are family time so I write during the day.

What do you absolutely have to have nearby when writing?

You’re going to laugh, but I like these little candies called ‘baby feet’. They’re colorful candies that are used as favors for baby showers. My cousin had a baby shower this fall and they became a favorite. You know those candy necklaces? Well they taste just like that. Mmmmm.

If you could have any super power, what would it be?

I would fly. I have terrible night vision, even with my glasses. If I have to go to the store and get something in the evening, I really hate it. If I could fly, then I could zip over to Walmart or Krogers anytime I needed to. That would be so cool. Are you handing out super powers? If so then this is the BEST interview ever!

Now that would be cool, wouldn't it? What's the weirdest thing you've googled?

Hmmm, this is a good question. I wish I had something really weird to tell you, but I’m afraid I’m a boring google searcher. I have had to reword things because what I was looking for is not what came up.

Quick writing test! Use the following words in a sentence: extraordinary, eggs, and euphoria.

The blue and grey speckled eggs are extraordinary, filling me with a sense of euphoria.

Finish this sentence: If I'm not writing, I'm probably ...

  taking out the trash.

LOL, okay, that's a unique answer. Here’s the part where you thank the people who are supporting you. Let's hear your shout outs.

My family is really my rock. I couldn’t write without the support and patience of my husband and kids. The words would never leave my computer without the encouragement from my girlfriends on Scrib. I have awesome beta readers who let me know what’s working and what needs to change. Overall I considered myself to be extremely blessed by all the wonderful people I’m surrounded by.

And finally, where can people find you and your books online?

Twitter and Facebook.

GABRIEL can be found at Evernight, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Bookstrand, All Romance e-Books, Sony, Apple, Chapters-Indigo/KOBO, Coffee Time Romance and Rainbow Ebooks.

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Interview with Jodie Pierce

DEMISE OF THE VAMPIRE QUEEN author Jodie Pierce is here with us today to talk about her novel.

Welcome to We Do Write, Jodie! Tell us a bit about yourself. 

I am 37 years old and live with my hubby John in Cleveland, Ohio. I have had a fascination with vampires since I was a child but only started writing about them when I was 20 yrs. old after I read an Anne Rice book. I was an exchange student in Brasil so you will usually find Brasil related things in my stories. I also enjoy research so a lot of my places and things are true. I have eight books published currently and am working on 2 more right now.

How long have you been writing? Since high school.

Tell us about DEMISE OF THE VAMPIRE QUEEN. What’s the story about? It's the third installment of my Vampire Queen trilogy. The Queen has taken over a school in Scotland for 'different' children. She oversteps her vampiric bounds and a plan to dethrone her is set in motion. Past lovers come together and there are many twists and turns.

How did the idea of the story come to you?

Well, I kinda wanted to tie up the other two books and the Scotland school thing came to me in a dream.

Do you have a critique group/partner or beta readers, or do you self-edit?

I self-edit.

Are you a planner or a pantser?


What’s the hardest part of writing for you?

Finding the time to do it.

Me too! What do you absolutely have to have nearby when writing?

My mug of sweet tea.

If you could have any super power, what would it be?

Flying. I've always wanted to zip around in the air.

What's the weirdest thing you've googled?

vampire dog costumes

Ahahaha, I love it! That's an awesome answer. Teehee.

Quick writing test! Use the following words in a sentence: canopy, willingness, and indecisive.

My willingness to put up the canopy left me indecisive about lunch.

Finish this sentence: If I'm not writing, I'm probably ...

watching tv with my hubby.

Here’s the part where you thank the people who are supporting you. Let's hear your shout outs.

Absolutely, my hubby. Without his support I'd be no where. He's the one that encouraged me to resend my original manuscript back to the place that ended up publishing it after their first refusal.

And finally, where can people find you and your books online?
Twitter: vampiregds

Thanks so much for chatting with us today, Jodie! And good luck with your books!

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Interview with Ju Ephraime

Today we're chatting with THE ODOR OF VIOLET author, Ju Ephraime. 

Welcome to We Do Write. Tell us a bit about yourself. How long have you been writing?

I began writing in my teens. So given my present age, it adds up to a good number of years, without dating myself.

Tell us about THE ODOR OF VIOLET. What’s the story about?

The story is about Damien Falconer, a man whose life changed drastically when an accident took his sight.  Unable to accept being cared for by a stranger, he requests his friend and accountant, Jake, take charge of his personal needs.  After two years of being Damien's personal assistant, Jake is anxious to return to what he loves, accounting, and so begins the search for someone to take over his duties. Among the applicants who answered his ad was Lisa Andrews, a registered nurse from Connecticut. But Damien was adamant that he would not be replacing Jake with a woman. His argument was, he did not feel comfortable with a woman doing the things that Jake did for him, but one whiff of Lisa’s unique scent and Damien found himself fighting a blistering physical attraction the likes of which he’d never known before. The story revolves around these three, Damien and Lisa's relationship and Jake's desire to keep Lisa from being hurt.

How did the idea of the story come to you?

The idea for this story came to me from a murder mystery I read when I read when I was a child, years ago.

Do you have a critique group/partner or beta readers, or do you self-edit?

No, I don’t have a critique group or beta readers. I have two professional editors, who edits my books

Are you a plotter or a pantser?

From the definition of pantser, I would say I more of a panster. I don’t plot, although I always have a mental picture of the story in my head; however, it takes shape and comes together as I write.

What’s the hardest part of writing for you?

The hardest part of writing for me is editing. There are certain parts of it I like, e.g., when I have to expound on something, or delve deeper into a scene, but the constant fixing of little errors I find tedious.

What do you absolutely have to have nearby when writing?

Absolutely, I have to have something to munch on or a long cool glass of my favorite wine.

If you could have any super power, what would it be?

If I had to have to have to have any super power it would be the ability to have my words appear in written form, so I could avoid the tedium of hours and hours of typing.

What's the weirdest thing you've googled?

The weirdest thing I’ve googled was when I was researching for one of my paranormal books and I had to find information on a voodoo sorceress.

Quick writing test! Use the following words in a sentence: ricochet, fragrant, and occupy.

Jill watches as the bumble bee ricochet from flower to flower sampling the fragrant nectar of the rose bushes that occupy a prominent location in her front garden.

Finish this sentence: If I'm not writing, I'm probably


Here’s the part where you thank the people who are supporting you. Let's hear your shout outs.

A million thanks to all my supporters, those that are current and those that are yet to come!

And finally, where can people find you and your books online?

My books can be bought at Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Amazon, my publisher, and on my website,

Book Launch: Love All by Kelly Hashway

Love All by Kelly Hashway

Seventeen-year-old Meg Flannigan isn't very self-confident, but what girl would be after her sophomore-year boyfriend dumped her by making out with another girl in front of her locker? Now a senior, Meg catches the eye of not one, but two guys at school. They show up at her tennis matches, vie over her attention, and both are gorgeous. Sounds good, right? Not if one of the guys is her boyfriend and the other one wants to be.

Meg doesn't want to lose Ash. They've been together for almost five months, and she’s falling in love with him. But Noah. Ah, Noah. He’s so irresistible, and Meg isn't ready to send him away either. But if she strings both along, she might be the one left in the cold. This love triangle is sure to end in a broken heart. But will it be Meg’s?

Love All is book one in the Game, Set, Match, Heartbreak young adult novella series from Kelly Hashway, released by Swoon Romance. Love All is available on Kindle and Nook.

Monday, 21 January 2013

Happy Book Birthday: To Trust a Thief by Michelle McLean

Happy Book Birthday to author Michelle McLean—a fellow Scene13er! Congrats on the release of TO TRUST A THIEF! What a gorgeous cover!

Minuette Sinclair's parents are in trouble and her fake fiancé is too. A legendary lost necklace might be their salvation, and Min is determined to find it and use it to buy her family and fiancé out of their misfortunes.

Master thief Bryant Westley is also looking for the fabled necklace. He knows Min’s got information he can use so he poses as her dance instructor and tries to seduce it from her. What he doesn’t count on are his feelings for her. He offers to partner up in the search – even though she is a distraction he can’t afford.

Things become more complicated when Min realizes that her convenient engagement means more to her fake fiancé than her and that she’s fallen in love with Bryant. Bryant realizes that he can’t double cross the young lady he’s come to love. Can they find the necklace together and admit their love before it’s too late?

"Readers will cheer for Min and Bryant! They start out as enemies and rivals and become romantic distractions that neither can afford. They'd secretly love to be together and share the treasure but both have loved ones relying on them which makes betraying each other inevitable. Yet they somehow find a way to their happily ever after." ~ Author Michelle McLean


“You won’t tell me?” Min asked.

He brought his gaze up to meet hers, speaking through clenched teeth. “I can’t tell you.”

“Yet you dare question whether or not I’m sharing everything with you.” The hypocrisy was a bitter sting on her tongue, but better that than hand everything to him and get nothing in return.

Bryant leaned in, his lips brushing across her jaw line. Min gasped, her heart pounding so hard she couldn’t breathe.

“Do you think you are the only one distracted here?” he whispered into her ear. “And do you think I believe for a moment you’ve told me everything?” His finger dipped into the neckline of her blouse and trailed along the locket’s chain.

Min jerked back, but he wouldn’t let go.

“The difference, my dear Minuette, is the more I tell you, the more danger I put you in. I’m trying to keep you safe.” He rubbed his cheek against hers. “Why are you hiding things from me?”

“Because I don’t trust you,” Min murmured.

“I don’t trust you either,” he whispered just before his lips met hers.

Barnes and Noble

Sunday, 20 January 2013

Guest Post by Kathryn Jones

What Readers Might Not Know About Writers
Kathryn Jones

As I've journeyed through this writing world for the past 30 years, I've come to believe some things about readers and writers that make us more similar than different, and in fact, connect us at the hip.
What are these things?

Allow me to preface my comments with a little tickle. Yes, some of my comments might appear funny or obvious to you, but keep in mind that the most obvious things have a tendency to be forgotten, sort of right in front of your face but not in front of your face. The sort of stuff one might take for granted.
Here goes:

1. Writers go through many drafts of their writing before sharing their work with others. Even after sharing their writing, they have to take on criticism from well meaning (and not so well meaning) folks who may struggle with what they have written even though the writer has already gone through 5 drafts. 

2. Writers are people. They get sick. They are sometimes depressed. At book signings they might even looked bored. If you see this, please speak to the author right away before depression and sickness set in.
3. Writers are insecure. They sometimes doubt their own abilities. They may get writer's block, keep themselves locked up in a room for days, or feel as if their writing will never amount to anything. They may even wonder if they are wasting their time with their dream.

4. Writers are a lot like readers. They like to escape into "strange new worlds", become preoccupied with characters that they can learn from who don't talk back, and spend much of their free time reading their favorite books; which may or may not be in the same genre in which they write.

5. Writers like to receive recognition. They like to be seen. They love hand written notes from readers, visits at books signings (as mentioned above) and free advertising. That means if you like their book and tell your friends that you like it, the writer knows it because their sales increase and that means more love and money inside the writer's heart and pocket. 

Writers and readers care about others or they wouldn't be reading. They care about learning, about gleaning all the good stuff as well as the not so good stuff. (There's nothing better than learning from a character rather than from your own personal mistakes, for example). Readers are a particular breed. They might enjoy a quiet night at home instead of the huge party up the street, may peruse the library like a candy store, and may find that their time is best spent soaking up the sun on a crisp fall morning, their favorite book and highlighter in their hand. 

Just like a writer.

Kathryn Elizabeth Jones is the author of CONQUERING YOUR GOLIATHS, A RIVER OF STONES, SCRAMBLED, and MARKETING YOUR BOOK ON A BUDGET. She also runs Idea Creations Press, helping clients with editing, cover design, and marketing. Find out more about Kathryn at and

Friday, 18 January 2013

Interview with Jamie Marchant

Happy Friday, everyone! Today we're talking with author Jamie Marchant about her novel, THE GODDESS'S CHOICE.

Welcome to We Do Write! Tell us a bit about yourself.

From early childhood, I’ve been immersed in books. My mother, an avid reader herself, read to us, and my older sister filled my head with fairy tales. When I was about six, I started writing stories about the Man from Mars for my older sister. I devoured every book I could get my hands on, and I wrote my first fantasy novel while in high school—not that it was publishable. Taking into consideration my love for literature and the challenges of supporting myself as a writer, I pursued a Ph.D. in American literature, which I received in 1998. I started teaching writing and literature at Auburn University and discovered the excitement of teaching. But in doing so, I put my true passion on the backburner and neglected my muse. Instead, for a few years, I wrote literary criticism. Then one day, in the midst of writing a critical piece, I realized I had no interest in doing so. What I wanted to do was write novels. My muse thus revived, I began the book that was to become The Goddess’s Choice. I have an entire series planned.
I live in Auburn, Alabama, with my husband and son. I still teach writing and literature at Auburn University.

Tell us about THE GODDESS'S CHOICE. What’s the story about?

The Goddess’s Choice is an adult epic fantasy novel set in the kingdom of Korthlundia. The crown princess Samantha fears she’s mad; no one but she sees colors glowing around people. The peasant Robrek Angusstamm believes he’s a demon; animals speak to him, and his healing powers far outstrip those of his village’s priests. Despite their fears about themselves, their combined powers make them the goddess’s choice to rule the kingdom of Korthlundia.

Samantha’s ability enables her to discern a person’s character through their multi-colored aura, and Robrek’s makes him the strongest healer the kingdom has seen in centuries. But their gifts also endanger their lives. Royals scheme to usurp the throne by marrying or killing Samantha, and priests plot to burn Robrek at the stake. Robrek escapes the priests only to be captured by Samantha’s arch-enemy, Duke Argblutal; Argblutal intends to force the princess to marry him by exploiting Robrek’s powers. To save their own lives and stop Argblutal from plunging the realm into civil war, Robrek and Samantha must consolidate their powers and unite the people behind them.

The Goddess’s Choice is loosely based on a Norwegian fairy tale, “The Princess and the Glass Hill.” Though my favorite fairy tale as a child, it disturbed me that the female character has no name and no role other than being handed off as a prize. My novel remakes the crown princess of Korthlundia into a strong heroine who is every bit as likely to be the rescuer as the one rescued.

How did the idea of the story come to you?

The Goddess's Choice originates deep within my childhood. My sister Jalane--she is ten years older than me--told me stories, fairy tales mostly: "Midas and His Golden Touch," "Little Red Riding Hood," "Hansel and Gretel." But my favorite was always "The Princess and the Glass Hill" or "The Glass Mountain" as my sister titled it. I had her tell that story over and over again. I was captivated by the bold hero on his magical horses of bronze, silver, and gold.

When I had a child of my own, I wanted to pass that fairy tale on. My son, Jesse, loved it every bit as much as I had. One day after telling it to him, it came to me that the story could be so much more than five pages and sparse details. However, I didn’t want to write a children’s story but the type of epic fantasy I enjoy as an adult. I upped the dramatic tension, villainy, and sexuality of the piece to create something far different than the original fairy tale. The Goddess’s Choice is intended for an adult audience.

Do you have a critique group/partner or beta readers, or do you self-edit?

I have a critique group, and I would highly recommend having one. The Goddess’s Choice wouldn’t be half the book it is without them.

Are you a planner or a pantser?

Although it is an adult epic fantasy novel, The Goddess’s Choice is loosely based on a fairy tale, so I had some structure imposed on it to begin with. But the fairy tale is only five pages, and the book is nearly four hundred, so I added a lot! For instance, the story of Samantha—the crown princess and heroine of my novel—is almost completely absent from the fairy tale.

Other than the imposed structure of the original tale, I’m a more fly-by-the-seat-my-pants kind of writer. I never made a written outline or plotted a story arc. I had a basic idea of where I wanted to end up, although I didn’t know exactly how The Goddess’s Choice was going to end until I was nearly there. A lot of where the story goes depends on the characters. They tend to take on a life of their own.

What’s the hardest part of writing for you?

The final edits. By then, I just want the piece to be finished, and I get lazy and impatient. Fortunately, my critique group doesn’t let me get away with it.

What do you absolutely have to have nearby when writing?

I have to be leaning back on a couch with my laptop on my knees. I hate sitting at a desk. It also helps to have a cat around, and since I have four of them, one of them usually obliges me.

If you could have any super power, what would it be?

I’d like to fly. I’ve always wanted to soar with the birds.

What's the weirdest thing you've googled?

Celtic wedding rituals. I needed the information for my novel.

Quick writing test! Use the following words in a sentence: snakes, motorized, and prattle.

Motorized snakes slithered over the toddler while she prattled to them.

Finish this sentence: If I'm not writing, I'm probably ...

Reading or playing a computer game.

Here’s the part where you thank the people who are supporting you. Let's hear your shout outs.

I wish to express extreme gratitude to the members of the Robrek Steele Conspiracy Writers’ Group: Peg Daniels, Jim Elston, and Eve Harmon. Peg and Jim, especially, supported me through every stage of the novel and never let up on me until I got it right. I wish to thank my husband Tim and son Jesse for their love and patience throughout this process and their willingness to listen to parts of the novel read over and over again. I also owe a debt to my brothers and sisters for the stories they told me as a child and for their support and belief in me. I am grateful to my sensei, Travis Page, who taught me everything I know about fighting and didn’t look askance at me when I asked him the best way to kill someone with a staff. And lastly, I’d like to thank Derrick Eisenhardt and Reliquary Press for loving the novel.

And finally, where can people find you and your book online?

I can be found on my website:
Twitter: @RobrekSamantha

The book can be purchased at Amazon:
Barnes & Noble:
Reliquary Press: