
Wednesday, 3 March 2010


Hello again!

Just a quick post today. I've got more interviews lined up, and I'm really excited that the blog is off to a good start. In case I didn't mention it, I'm still new at this interviewing thing, and I hope I don't disappoint anyone. What, me? Anxious? Nah.

I also wanted to mention that I found some really great backgrounds and headers and such over at, and I am very tempted to grab some of the wonderful stuff I've seen there and redo the look of this blog. Even though I made the current background myself, shabbyblogs is chock full of so much pretty that I can't resist trying it out. So don't be surprised if my look is different next time you pop in.

Until next time, happy writing!


  1. You designed this yourself? It's awesome! I used ready made templates for both of mine only because I didn't want to take the time to code and make the images myself. LOL One of these days I might break down and create my own unique design but we'll see.

    I look forward to more interviews!

  2. Thanks, but I only designed the background image (the swirlies), the template itself is a standard blogspot one.

    More interviews coming soon! :)

  3. I wouldn't be worried if I were you. You already have 22 followers!! That's quite an accomplishment, after less than a month of blogging.

  4. Thank you, Annie! I appreciate your kind words. :)

  5. Hey, I like the design i see now :) But it's always fun to experiment with good, fresh, new stuffs!

    I love what you're doing so far with the interviews... :)
