
Friday 25 June 2010

Interview with Rachel Jameson

Happy Friday, everyone! I don't know about you, but I'm so glad the week is over. What's that you say? You are too? Well all right then!

Let's start the weekend early by enjoying a nice interview with aspiring author Rachel Jameson.

Welcome, Rachel! Tell us a bit about yourself.

I’m Rachel Jameson, and I’m an aspiring author; I write both Georgian-set & Regency-set historical romances.I have always loved books – starting with an early love of fairy tales and mythology. However, until 2007, I had never read a romance novel.I was full of misconceptions about their quality and content. How wrong I was! I picked one up at the book store for a lark, and was lucky enough to fall head-over-heels for the fantastic genre. An even bigger bonus was that reading these great stories got me excited about my own! It had been years since I’d written anything, but suddenly the stories started pouring out. I’m looking forward to writing more each day, getting published, and of course, reading everything I can get my hands on! Originally from Sun Valley, ID, I’m now living in Los Angeles, CA.

What is the name and genre of your current manuscript?

This is kind of funny. I can do titles like *snap* that. And this one? I keep going between titles. I think I need to get a little further into the story before I can figure out what title solidly belongs to this story. The genre is Regency-set historical romance. I’m arguing with myself and the characters as to whether it should be set in 1811, 1814, or 1818. I need to figure out just what the hero and heroine will be doing around town, as that plays an important role. Depending on the year, there are different events taking place. I’m leaning towards 1814 because this was the year of the Grand Jubilee, a celebration over what was thought to be the victory of Napoleon.

Here’s the part where you pitch it. What’s your story about?

This was a great exercise! It really helped me pare down some issues I was having with my story. And talk about tracking an aspiring writer’s progress! This is my first time blurbing/pitching. Here goes! *Gulp*

Accident-prone Kate Delaney might never have been labeled an Incomparable, but with her father's money behind her, and a scandalous pair of vermillion undergarments to boost her confidence, she set out to take London by storm. On the day of her Presentation, everything went wrong when she fell head over heels, skirts flying up, and she became a Town joke. Years later, she discovers a devastating secret about the popular and handsome James, Marquess of Wingate. Kate's just desperate enough to make him an offer he can't refuse.

Ruined by his late father’s debts, James knows he’ll have to marry for money. Until Kate approaches him with a proposition. She'll settle his debts if he'll pretend to court her. He can't fault her logic: everyone knows whoever Wingate woos, all of London adores. He agrees, even though Kate is the last person with whom he’d ever consider getting involved.

Now the most unlikely pair is falling in love. But can James pledge his love after accepting her money? And can cautious Kate risk another fall, this time into love?

Sounds like a great story! How did the idea of the story come to you?

I saw a very strong image of a girl in full court dress carefully maneuvering across the room to be presented to the Queen. She’s very klutzy, and in the little movie playing in my head, she trips on her gown at the most inopportune moment, and goes head over end, her skirts flying up, and the whole court is witness, especially to her very unconventional undergarments. It gave me a great view of the heroine and I just went from there.

Do you have a word count goal, and how far along are you at this point?

I do have a word count goal, of about 90,000-95,000 words. I recently came to the hard conclusion that the WIP I was working on, while very dear to me, is not the right book to pitch for a first book. It needs to be the third book in a series, not the first. So I just recently started this WIP, and I’m about 2,000 words into it at the moment, with a few plot kinks to work out.

What will be your next step?

As soon as it’s finished and ready to go, I intend to search for an agent.

Do you have a critique group/partner or beta readers, or do you self-edit?

I do have a critique partner; she’s fantastic, and I can only aspire to be as talented a writer as she is! One day soon I will have completed enough of my WIP that she will let me use my Wii! I’m under strict orders to write before I get any Wii in. I haven’t had any beta readers read my writing yet, but I have a few lined up for when I’m ready. I always self-edit and then self-edit and then self-edit some more.

Wow, that's some strict partner you have there. And by strict, I mean smart, lol. What’s the hardest part of writing for you?

Wow. The hardest part of writing for me is definitely getting the story I see in my head out onto paper, and having it match up to the vision. I can see it so vividly in my mind, but often when I go to write it, it falls flat. I have to then work hard to layer it and develop it; but that’s also one of the most fun parts of writing for me – once I get past the initial aggravation, of course!

Who are your inspirations?

My fellow writers and authors inspire me. Their talent and perseverance always help me to get past my doubts and fears. I’m also inspired by the ideal and goal of me – what I can become, what I can accomplish. Whether those goals are attainable or not, they still inspire me to try and reach them.

Quick writing test! Use the following words in a sentence: jogging, dinosaur, and iPhone.

As I was jogging, I glanced down at my dinosaur of a cell phone, wishing it would magically transform itself into an iPhone.

(Oh I how I wish! My phone really is a dinosaur – it makes and takes phone calls, and that is it - not even texts!)

Oh my, that is a dinosaur. Good luck with that. ;p Here’s the part where you thank the people who are supporting you. Who would you like to give a shout out to?

I’d love to give a shout out to The Romance Divas. It’s an online writing community, with amazing resources, including tons of published authors, and many more who are working toward being published. It’s such a welcoming and supportive place. I’ve met so many wonderful people through it, including a bunch who live in Los Angeles, and we have regular in-person get-togethers, often for brainstorming sessions. Divas is truly an invaluable resource. Also, a big thank you to Twitter, where I’ve made such wonderful friendships with many writers, readers, and more! It’s an addictive, time consuming mess, but I love it, and all my twits!

And finally, where can people find you online?

You can find me at my website,
You can also find me on Twitter, at
and Facebook at

Rachel, thank you so much for letting us get to know you, and I wish you much success with your books!

Thank you, Dorothy, for inviting me here today! I had a great time!


  1. Great interview! I can't wait to read the story!!! ;-)

  2. Great interview. Sounds like a great story you have there Rachel. :D

  3. Loved the interview! Fingers crossed that you get to Wii soon! :)

  4. another fabulous interview!!

    thanks so much to you both -- it's so nice to read these author experiences.

    best of luck with everything!

  5. What about if you use Wii for -- uhm -- exercise? Wait,then you might not finish this story and I really want to read this story Rachel. No Wii for you until it is done!

    Now get back to work! Love the interview.

  6. Great interview! Your story sounds wonderful, can't wait to read it.

  7. Rochelle Staab25 June 2010 at 22:52

    Great interview Rachel! Love the way you painted the heroine and hero. The trip and tumble with shocking lingerie scene is hilarious. I want to read the book when it's finished.

    Sending inspiration,

  8. Isn't it amazing how one short 'film' playing across your internal screen can inspire an entire novel? I hope your muse keeps the movie playing smoothly through to the end for you as it sounds like a wonderful story.

    Christine London

  9. Rachel has a good system in place to shape her work. Good luck, Rachel.

  10. I've been out almost all day, mostly stuck in traffic! I wanted to say Thank you! for all the wonderful comments, and especially for the interest in my story! It makes me write all the harder! Thank you again, Dorothy for the opportunity.

  11. What a fun interview! I can't wait to read the story...get back to work!

  12. Thanks for the great comments, everyone. And thanks again, Rachel, for letting us have a peek at your writing journey. :)

  13. Great interview Rachel. Your story sounds wonderful :D
