
Thursday 9 September 2010

Awards in Waiting

Hi there! Told ya it'd be spotty blogging once I started my new job.

I was going to post all the super cool blog awards I've been given recently, but I'm supposed to pay them forward. And though I've got some super cool bloggers in mind to pass the awards onto, I think I'm supposed to have a list of 15. So that means looking through my list of blogs I read. In any case, my time is limited this week (parent-teacher conferences up the wazoo and staff meetings at my new job) so I'll have to post them on the weekend when I'll hopefully have more time.

Just wanted to pop in and say I'm still alive, just slightly delayed.

I hope you're all surviving September. Miss ya! More interviews coming next week!


  1. yay you're still alive! I was wondering where you went :)

    (wait my verification word is pooti? gross!

  2. Hope the new job is going well--the transition period of starting something new is always hectic, so hopefully, things will calm down soon. :)

  3. Hi! I found you from your 1 paragraph pitch on "Market My Words." I just really liked your pitch, so...that's a good enough reason to stalk you, right?

    Just kidding, but anyway, I wanted to let you know that I think your book sounds really good and I'll be keeping an eye out for it on the shelves when it's finished! ;)

  4. Wow, thanks, madameduck! That's encouraging! :)
