
Thursday 7 October 2010

Aaaaaand BREAK!

Okay, my friends. Here's the deal. My family and I are going on vacation starting tomorrow. We will be in Singapore for two days, then flying to the Philippines where my mother's side of the family has put together a huge reunion. I mean HUGE. She has ten siblings, and they all have kids, and their kids all have kids. So, um, yeah. HUGE. But I'm very excited. My hubby and kids haven't been to the PI yet (that's short for Philippine Islands, in case you couldn't connect the dots) so it should be very interesting.

So all that to say, I won't be updating the blog while I'm gone. However, I will be back in two weeks with more awesome interviews for your reading pleasure. And if you're a writer who might want to be interviewed, leave me a comment with contact info and I'll get back to you when I return.

Until then, I wish you all a great mid-October!


  1. Have a great time!! Enjoy the sate and durians in Singapore.

  2. Have fun! Singapore was so not what I expected. I was there only for a two days, I wish I could have been there longer.

  3. Wow...that is quite a trip! Have a blast! ^_^

  4. Wow! Have a great time, Dorothy.

  5. Enjoy your reunion, Dorothy.

  6. I'm a new author who just published a science fiction novel entitled "Supernature"and would like to be interviewed on your site. How do I go about setting it up?

    Henry Lyons

  7. Hi Henry,

    I've just returned from vacation, but when I get all settled in again I'll send you an email about doing an interview! :)

  8. Thought you might be interested...Blog Jog Day is a one-day event where we all post links forwarding to each others Blogs--most are author and book sites. You can read more about it at Our next Blog Jog Day is November 21st. Warm Regards!
