
Tuesday 20 December 2011

Interview with Elizabeth Isaacs

It's snowing where I live! What is it about the snow that makes the cold winter chill bearable? While we ponder that, let's cozy up with another spectacular writer. Please welcome Elizabeth Isaacs.

Hi, Elizabeth! Welcome to We Do Write. Tell us a bit about yourself.

I am an elementary music teacher by day, writer by night. I have two teenagers and two crazy dogs, and I live in Kentucky.

How long have you been writing?

I know it’s cliché, but it seems I’ve been writing my entire life. I’ve just been too chicken to let anyone see my stories. It wasn’t until I started helping underprivileged students with their writing portfolios that I found the courage to share my work with the world.

Sounds awesome! Tell us about THE SECRET OF THE KEEPERS. What’s your story about?

The Secret of the Keepers is the second in the Kailmeyra series. The story starts right where the first book, The Light of Asteria, leaves off.

Life for Nora couldn't be better; she has married the man of her dreams and loves living in the pristine land of Kailmeyra.

That is, until the darkness threatens her perfect world.

Now war is upon the land. She and Gavin must strengthen their clan and prepare to fight. But the enemy has an ally—one that not only wields power, but holds knowledge of the ancients' secrets. Secrets that could destroy creation itself.

As the darkness grows, doubt seeps in ... protectiveness hinders progress ... and the unthinkable comes to pass.

Bewildered and alone, Nora shoulders the responsibility of leading an entire race to war. As she struggles with decisions that seem impossible to make, she is haunted by one choice.

"No one has ever doubted that you would die for those you love. The question then becomes ... would you live?"

Amazing! How did the idea of the story come to you?

I still haven’t figured that out. When it comes to plot, I make an outline of where the story should go, but I also allow the characters to have their say. The Secret of the Keepers was the strangest writing experience I’ve ever had. No one in my head wanted to follow the outline. Literally every character screamed at me at one point or another that we were headed down the wrong path. Toward the end of the book, the plot took a turn that I never imagined. I didn’t want to write it. I warred with my imagination, demanding that we should stick with the outline, but that inner voice insisted we go in a different direction. I finally gave up and allowed instinct to take over and couldn’t be happier.

What’s the hardest part of writing for you?

Sharing the work when it’s done. Writing is intensely personal. It is my imagination written down for the world to see. It’s hard for me to be that vulnerable.

Any tips you’ve learned about writing you’d like to share?

I’ve learned that every word must be there for a reason, show-don’t-tell really does work, and passive sentences jerks readers out of stories faster than you can say “Bob’s your uncle”.

Let’s get to know you on a deeper level. What do you absolutely have to have nearby when writing?

A cold glass of iced tea, and absolute quiet.

If you could have any super power, what would it be?

I’d love the ability to read others’ thoughts. I know it’s not the most glamorous, but it would save a lot of time and effort if I knew what people really wanted to say.

Quick writing test! Use the following words in a sentence: important, belly dancer, and investigation.

Knowing how important she was to the investigation, Heath sighed and made his way through the horde of belly dancers.

Hehehe, what an image! Here’s the part where you thank the people who are supporting you. Let's hear your shout outs.

I’d love to thank my content editor, Corina Vaccarello, my line editor, Tracy Riva, cover designer Neil Noah, and my writer buddies, Hope Collier, Mindy Ruiz, Megan Curd, and Trisha Wolfe. Most importantly, though, I’d love to thank the many bloggers who spend tireless hours reading and reviewing, interviewing and hosting tours and giveaways. If the publishing industry has become the Wild West, then bloggers are the gold everyone’s rushing to find. I couldn’t begin to thank them for their unwavering support.

And finally, where can people find you and your books online?

My website is:

Places to find the book:

Barnes and Noble:


Elizabeth, thank you so much for chatting with us today. Your books sound great, and I wish you tons of success!


  1. The book sounds amazing. Can't wait to read it.

  2. Wonderful interview, Elizabeth, and best of luck with your latest! I love the last line of your pitch--such a grabber.

  3. Awesome interview and truly an amazing series! Loved the post!!!
