
Sunday 12 August 2012

Pitch Contest Reminder

You didn't forget, did you? I hope not, because the Three-Two-One Pitch contest is afoot. It all takes place August 20th (my birthday) and 21st. To remind you all what the contest entails, it goes something like this:

THREE - Pitch your story in only three sentences. 

TWO - Two days to enter: August  20th and 21st.

ONE - One agent will judge and pick a winner.

Doesn't that sound great? Well then get those pitches ready!

Do not enter your pitch on this post. I will make an official contest entry post on August 20th, and entrants will post their three-sentence pitches (no run-on sentences!) in the comments section of that post. At midnight on August 21st, I will turn off comments and no other entries will be accepted. Do your best, because the winner will get a full manuscript request from our judging agent!

I will announce our spectacular judging agent sometime this week, so keep an eye out!

This contest is open to unagented, completed and polished manuscripts in the genres of:
  • MG
  • YA (no paranormal, urban fantasy, romance [ unless there is a superb dark, psychotic element ], or magical realism)
  • New Adult
  • Graphic Novels

To be eligible, you must:

  • Follow this blog - go ahead and click "Join this Site" on the right if you haven't already
  • Follow me on Twitter
  • Spread the word! Tweet, Blog, or mention on Facebook about the contest linking back to this post

Not necessary, but in the spirit of paying it forward:

So, don't forget: Three sentences, two days to enter, one agent will judge. Good luck, everyone. Can't wait to read all your pitches. See you back here soon!


  1. Definitely didn't forget. I've been waiting anxiously for it :)

  2. Hi Dorothy!

    Thanks for posting your upcoming pitch contest on your blog. I am now a happy follower and will get ready with my MG Boy Adventure pitch. I have also sent a Goodreads friend request and liked your Facebook Author page but do not have a Twitter account. Am I disqualified because I don't have one? I hope not...

    Donna L Martin

  3. No worries, Donna. Two out of three works for me. ;)

  4. Thanks for sharing your link on WOC and for the great opportunity, Dorothy.

  5. Hi Dorothy,
    Just found your contest through writeoncon

    Can you clarify "new adult" as a genre?

    I'm not a YA author. Just wanted to know if I was eligible for your pitch contest :-)

  6. New Adult is a genre of books where the protagonist is around college age - at least that's what I've read on various sites. Hope that helps.

  7. Hi, Dorothy,

    Nice to meet you. I found out about your contest at the WOC.

    This is amazing. I am psyched. I have a great edgy Y/A contemporary which will be perfect for this agent.

    Thanks again for hosting this contest. I look forward to pitching on the 20th.

    Happy early birthday!

  8. Thanks, Michael! Good luck with your pitch! :)

  9. You said no YA romance. Is it okay if there is a romantic subplot? It's not in my pitch, but I was curious.

  10. Stina, I'd give it a shot. Maybe tone down the romance in the pitch, just to be sure.
