Sunday, 20 January 2013

Guest Post by Kathryn Jones

What Readers Might Not Know About Writers
Kathryn Jones

As I've journeyed through this writing world for the past 30 years, I've come to believe some things about readers and writers that make us more similar than different, and in fact, connect us at the hip.
What are these things?

Allow me to preface my comments with a little tickle. Yes, some of my comments might appear funny or obvious to you, but keep in mind that the most obvious things have a tendency to be forgotten, sort of right in front of your face but not in front of your face. The sort of stuff one might take for granted.
Here goes:

1. Writers go through many drafts of their writing before sharing their work with others. Even after sharing their writing, they have to take on criticism from well meaning (and not so well meaning) folks who may struggle with what they have written even though the writer has already gone through 5 drafts. 

2. Writers are people. They get sick. They are sometimes depressed. At book signings they might even looked bored. If you see this, please speak to the author right away before depression and sickness set in.
3. Writers are insecure. They sometimes doubt their own abilities. They may get writer's block, keep themselves locked up in a room for days, or feel as if their writing will never amount to anything. They may even wonder if they are wasting their time with their dream.

4. Writers are a lot like readers. They like to escape into "strange new worlds", become preoccupied with characters that they can learn from who don't talk back, and spend much of their free time reading their favorite books; which may or may not be in the same genre in which they write.

5. Writers like to receive recognition. They like to be seen. They love hand written notes from readers, visits at books signings (as mentioned above) and free advertising. That means if you like their book and tell your friends that you like it, the writer knows it because their sales increase and that means more love and money inside the writer's heart and pocket. 

Writers and readers care about others or they wouldn't be reading. They care about learning, about gleaning all the good stuff as well as the not so good stuff. (There's nothing better than learning from a character rather than from your own personal mistakes, for example). Readers are a particular breed. They might enjoy a quiet night at home instead of the huge party up the street, may peruse the library like a candy store, and may find that their time is best spent soaking up the sun on a crisp fall morning, their favorite book and highlighter in their hand. 

Just like a writer.

Kathryn Elizabeth Jones is the author of CONQUERING YOUR GOLIATHS, A RIVER OF STONES, SCRAMBLED, and MARKETING YOUR BOOK ON A BUDGET. She also runs Idea Creations Press, helping clients with editing, cover design, and marketing. Find out more about Kathryn at and


Catch My Words said...

Yep. Writers aren't too different from other folks.

Kathryn Elizabeth Jones said...

And it's a good thing. Thanks for commenting.