
Friday 21 June 2013

Interview with DelSheree Gladden

Sometimes, the title of a book alone can pull a reader to it. That's the case with the book our next interviewee is here to talk about: WICKED HUNGER. Isn't that a great title? I bet you're dying to find out more about it, so let's have a chat with author DelSheree Gladden.

Welcome to We Do Write, DelSheree! Tell us a bit about yourself.

I have lived most of my life in New Mexico. I grew up in a little town that wasn’t even a real town by definition. Luckily, Farmington was nearby and that is where I met my hubby, Ryan. After a few forays into Arizona and Colorado, we ended up back in New Mexico to be near family. I just graduated from Dental Hygiene school, and while I wait for my license I am catching up on family time, writing, sewing, reading, and yoga.

How long have you been writing?

I started writing in my early teens. My first book was just plain terrible and will never, ever be published. I really didn’t start writing seriously until after I was married. My husband was the one to encourage me to explore writing more and really try to get it published. I’m so glad he did! Now if I can just get him to do the same. He is an excellent writer himself and has several books her is working on right now.

Tell us about WICKED HUNGER. What’s the story about?

Wicked Hunger is the story of the Roth siblings, Vanessa and Zander. Both are cursed with a nearly uncontrollable hunger for pain and suffering, yet the try to live a normal life. Keeping their deadly secret has never been easy, but the arrival of a strange new girl who has secrets of her own makes everything so much harder. Vanessa is convinced Ivy is dangerous, while Zander is falling in love with her. One of them is right about Ivy … but if they lose control of their hunger, it won’t matter who is right and who is wrong. One little slip, and they’ll all be dead.

How did the idea of the story come to you?

I was actually reading one of Jim Butcher’s Dresden Files books at the time. He had a line about the half-vampire character having a godling type hunger. It got me thinking. I wanted to write a story about siblings whose “power” was to have this all-consuming hunger for pain and destruction. What would those characters be like? Would they succumb to their power or learn control?

Do you have a critique group/partner or beta readers, or do you self-edit?

I am a member of The Next Big Writer, an online writer’s workshop. I get a lot of really helpful feedback on chapters I post there and I get to read other authors’ work as well. I also met a great group of ladies on the site that I now work with off the site as well for beta reading and promoting. My husband Ryan does the majority of my final editing. He catches everything from commas to storyline gaps. I’ve also worked with the wonderful Phyl Manning for editing. She seriously knows everything about punctuation.

Are you a plotter or a pantser?

Definitely a pantser. I hate outlining books. They make me feel boxed in and I think my characters suffer for it. I always feel like I am writing a character into a situation when I outline rather than letting them experience it for themselves.

What’s the hardest part of writing for you?

The ending. Not so much for an individual book, but for the series overall. I have this fear that I will have missed some glaringly obvious plot hole or forgotten an important point of the story and the whole thing will be ruined. I would hate to string a reader through a whole series only to let them down. That’s why my husband is such a lifesaver. He catches all of those kinds of mistakes before anyone else gets to see a book.

What do you absolutely have to have nearby when writing?

Pillows! I know, that probably deserves an explanation. Thanks to our living room couches being seriously overstuffed on the head portion, it gives me a serious crick in the neck when I sit there writing for too long. I have to shove a few pillows behind me to compensate. Lately, though, I’ve been considering couch surgery to de-stuff them and save my neck.

If you could have any super power, what would it be?

Super speed! I hate wasting time getting to where I need to go. I’d love it if I could zap place to place and get all my errands done super fast!

What's the weirdest thing you've googled?

Oh goodness, that’s a tough one. I’ve googled some weird topics when researching books. How about keloid scarring or the Black-eyed people? Anyone else googling those ones regularly?

Quick writing test! Use the following words in a sentence: hungry, massive, and infuriated.

The hungry little girl has a massive appetite, and frequently becomes infuriated when it is not fed.
(That one is for my daughter Abbey who has asked me for a snack about 14 times in the last hour and stomped away when I said no…again)

Finish this sentence: If I'm not writing, I'm probably ...

Reading. My book blog always keeps my TBR list full. Although, the final book of The Wheel of Time is about to put them all on hold. I’ve been waiting to read it for months!

Here’s the part where you thank the people who are supporting you. Let's hear your shout outs.

My husband first and foremost. He’s just awesome.

My author friends who are always willing to read and Tweet and post on Facebook: Linda Ulleseit, Susan Stec, Apryl Baker, Angela Fristoe, Ann Everett, Tess Black, and Karin Gastreich.

The awesome team at GMTA: my publisher Kitty Bullard, cover designer Amber Rendon, and marketing director Julia Hendrix. They are a wonderful team to work with.

My lovely fans who keep reading and asking me when the next book is coming out!

And finally, where can people find you and your books online?

Readers can find my books online at:
Readers can find me online at
DelSheree’s Blog  * DelSheree’s Website  * Facebook * Twitter * Goodreads * Wattpad * Amazon

DelSheree, thank you so much for visiting the blog. I wish you much success with your books!


  1. Sounds like a good book. I like the premise.

  2. Thanks for taking the time to check out the interview, Liviania! I'm glad you found the premise interesting :) I hope you get a chance to try it out.
