It's Halloween! And what could be more fun than to celebrate with an interview? Trisha Haddad, author of DEEP GREEN--a YA adventure novel of survival, is here to share a bit about her newest release and her writing process.
She began a career in the publishing industry directly out
of college, first at a literary agency and currently in academic publishing.
Her passions include writing, reading, travel and spending time with her
husband and best friend, Derek. Her life as a writer has been inspired from
childhood by her grandmother, Helen Haddad, a mystery writer.
Welcome to We Do Write, Trisha. How long have you been writing?
For just about my entire life! In fifth grade, however, I had a wonderful
teacher (Mrs. Ball at Sugar Hill Elementary in Moreno Valley), who had a weekly
creative writing hour during which I really learned the basics of
story-telling. I finished my first full
novel in 10th grade, and have tried to write one every year or two after
that. Deep Green is my third published
novel, but my first YA!
Welcome to the YA side of things. It's a great place to be. Tell us about DEEP GREEN. What’s the story about?
Like me and you, my main character prefers the adventure and
romance of books. But during a cruise
with her parents, a terrorist attack leaves her adrift in a sparse lifeboat
with four strangers. What follows is one
danger after another as the group must find a way to survive. Leah also struggles with the growing
attention of the men she's stranded with, and her own mixed emotions. But there
are secrets that the survivors hold deep, and the truth might blow apart any
semblance of civility and test Leah's preconceived notions of just how far
dedication can go before it crosses over into fanaticism.
Great concept! I love stories of survival. Lost, The Life of Pi, Castaway. I cried when Tom Hanks lost Wilson. I really did. Anyway ... How did the idea of the story come to you?
Well, first of all I really love survival stories. They make great fodder for daydreaming! And daydreaming ("what would I do if I
were in such a situation?") make for deliciously fun writing!
That, they do. Do you have a critique group/partner or beta readers, or do
you self-edit?
Self-edit, I'm afraid.
I do have a few people who usually read my manuscripts early on, but I
do have a goal of joining a more formalized critique group.
Are you a plotter or a pantser?
A mix. I write by the
seat of my pants in intense bursts for days or weeks (on my free time, late at
night), but when I hit a wall, I start plotting out the next stages of the
story. Then when I get creative again, I
can write that segment.
What’s the hardest part of writing for you?
The writing is more fun than it is hard, and even carving
out time is not overly painful (when I'm on a roll, I can find time to
write). The hardest part is actually
what comes after: revising, edits, and then getting the word out when the book
comes out.
What do you absolutely have to have nearby when writing?
This is going to sound so boring. Just a big cup of water and a pack of
gum. Not as classic as a bottle of
whiskey or as romantic as a glass of wine or something like that, but oh
Not boring at all. Whiskey and Wine are overrated. And yes, that is a picture of a glass of water with sticks of gum leaning against it, proof that you can find just about anything on the internet.
If you could have any super power, what would it be?
Healing powers, even with all the ethical obligations and
dilemmas that would come with.
I agree. That would be an incredible super power to have. What's the weirdest thing you've googled?
"How to cook snake on a fire," for Deep Green.
Mmmm ... barbecued snake ... A perfect Halloween meal. Quick writing test! Use the following words in a sentence:
green, hope, oar.
I pulled the oars through the deep green waves, my endurance
fueled more by hope than by physical prowess.
Finish this sentence: If I'm not writing, I'm probably ...
Playing with my little kiddos, reading, or zoning out and
Here’s the part where you thank the people who are
supporting you. Let's hear your shout outs.
My parents and my husband are eternally supportive of my
writing, and are my biggest cheerleaders.
Thank you a thousand times!
And finally, where can people find you and your books
You can find me online at (the site has
links to me on Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest, and all that good stuff). I love getting messages from my readers, and
I'll always write back-- so contact me!
You can buy the e-book for Deep Green at the publisher's website
(, and the paperback in bookstores and online.
Thanks for having me, Elizabeth, and happy Halloween! I'm off the raid the candy dish...
Me too! Yum!

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