Thursday, 29 March 2012

No Vacation for Writers?

So tomorrow's my last day of work before I go on vacation for two weeks. YES! I seriously need a break.

But as writers, do we really get a break? I'm waiting on the first round of edits from my editor which should be landing in my inbox any day now, a fact that makes me extremely nervous. I'm also waiting on bits of news from my publisher I can't stop thinking about. I also have to write the sequel to my not-even-released-yet debut novel. Okay, I've outlined it, at least. So that's a start. But knowing I'll have a time crunch eventually, I feel like I need to dive into writing it. How do I do that when I'm on vacation visiting family? Even if I bring a laptop, will I get the time?

Tell me how you do it. Do you leave all writerly things behind when on vacation, or do you sneak in as much writing as you can while you're away?


Unknown said...

I'm starting vacation next Friday and I'm actually looking forward to having more time writing. I'll also get away from it, but I've been neglecting writing a bit because work has been so full on.

Libby said...

I definitely take writing breaks. My brain and my hands need them. They're usually not long, no more than a week or so, but they're cherished.

Dorothy Dreyer said...

@Cheree: I hear you. Work has been a little intense for a while (colleagues being out sick or on vacation, leaving me with more work), so writing has been scarce. Really would love to lock myself up in some cottage and write for a whole week. Have a great vacation!

@Libby: Yes, I take breaks too - and I find them to be great for my writing, actually. Going back to read something I wrote after I've taken a break really opens my eyes to what works and what doesn't.

Gina said...

Ooh...don't really know from the author aspect per se, but it's all about achieving a balance so make sure you take time for that vaca! You'd be amazed how refreshed they can leave a worried mind... ^_^

Terence Jackson said...

When I go on vacation I take notebooks with me and always have one in my bag that I carry around during the day, sightseeing, etc. I write down descriptions, locations, things about people and places I find interesting. In the story I just finished writing I worked in the last trip to London and one particular painting at the National Portrait Gallery as a centerpiece for the story. I usually take pictures if allowed and use them for inspiration once I'm back home.